Recovering from Workplace Injuries

How Results Physiotherapy Helps You Through WorkCover Queensland Claims

At Results Physiotherapy, we are committed to helping injured workers in Queensland recover and return to work safely. We work closely with both patients and employers to ensure the rehabilitation process is seamless, efficient, and effective.

How the WorkCover Queensland Process Works

If you have been injured at work, the first step is to report the injury to your supervisor immediately. This allows your employer to notify you of their insurance details, typically through WorkCover Queensland. Once you’ve notified your employer, the next step is to visit your doctor to obtain a WorkCover Queensland Medical Certificate. This certificate will be essential for initiating the claims process.

Once you have your WorkCover Queensland Claim Number (e.g., S24AB000001), you can be referred to our clinic by your treating doctor for physiotherapy services. WorkCover Queensland will pre-approve the first six physiotherapy sessions (including initial consultation), ensuring that your treatment begins promptly.

What Happens if You Need More Than 6 Sessions?

At Results Physiotherapy, we understand that some injuries may require more extensive care. If your condition necessitates additional treatment beyond the initial six sessions, our experienced physiotherapists will work with you to develop a Provider Management Plan. This plan will be submitted to WorkCover Queensland to request approval for extra sessions, ensuring you continue to receive the care you need.

No Out-of-Pocket Costs

One of the key benefits of choosing Results is that we directly bill WorkCover Queensland, meaning there are no out-of-pocket expenses for our patients. Our clinic does not charge any gap fees for physiotherapy services, ensuring that your treatment is fully covered as long as your claim is approved.

Why Choose Results Physiotherapy?

We pride ourselves on our straightforward and efficient process for managing WorkCover Queensland claims. With a team of experienced physiotherapists, we help hundreds of patients every year recover from their workplace injuries. Our goal is to guide you through every step of your recovery, from your first consultation to your safe return to work.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’ve already been referred by your doctor and have an approved claim, don’t wait! Book your initial consultation with Result Physiotherapy today. We’ll take care of the rest, helping you get back to work quickly and safely.

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